

Our Story


Statistically, I should not be where I am today.

I am Lakota, Dakota & Nakota, and the first generation of my family to not be born and raised on a reservation. Mine was the only Native American family in the small, rural, midwestern town that I grew up in. I learned early in life that the color of your skin can impact the way you are viewed and treated, and I understand deeply how these things can impact one’s self-image and confidence at a young age.

I am a college dropout. I can describe, in detail, the gut-wrenching decision to either follow my dream of graduating from West Point or return home to work and put food on the table for my parents and siblings.

I am an outsider. I know firsthand how difficult it is to be overlooked and excluded from social circles, discussions, and opportunities based on who you are and where you come from.

Yet I am not a statistic. I should not be where I am today. My “luck” came in the form of my first true mentor, an individual who took an interest in me, opened doors, and provided me with a real chance to succeed. He took the time to teach me the fundamental principles of building and scaling the very companies that I later led.

I learned what leaders need. I learned how important economic models are to any organization and how to create a revenue culture that goes beyond any one person. I learned that having a community of peers is vital and perpetuates success in a multitude of ways. I learned the importance of having access to social capital, the doors that it opens, and the lives that can be changed through it. I learned these things  and that is how I know that they can be taught and provided to others.

RevJen was born.  Through conversations with my mentor about success, significance, and his work with philanthropic leaders in the nonprofit sector, I learned that nonprofit leaders and teams face many of the same challenges I did: a lack of access to peer networks and little education about revenue generation. Through my own journey, I became passionate about providing access to peer networks and revenue training in the nonprofit sector to all leaders.

Like you, the trajectory of my life has fueled my passion.  Today, our team at RevJen is committed to partnering with change-making leaders to support you as you work to make your greatest impact. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside you. Together, we can change the way change happens.



Solving 3 Big Sector Issues


A Lack of Financial Sustainability

Many nonprofit organizations live under constant financial pressure leading to fundraising stress and under-investment in operations. This is exacerbated by sector norms that restrict operational investment.

Development Talent Turnover

The financial stress and a reticence to invest in things outside of the core program, such as leadership development, sees development teams turning over at incredibly high rates, adding to the financial pressures of the organization.

Leadership Isolation and Burnout

The combination of high team turnover, financials stress, and high expectations from funders and boards, takes a toll on the organizational leaders leading to high rates of burnout and a feeling of isolation.


Our Team


Brian Joseph

Brian Joseph

Brian has 20 years of leadership experience in both for-profit and …

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Elizabeth Super

Elizabeth Super

Elizabeth has worked with nonprofits and philanthropy for close to 20 years…

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Jenna Haseleu

Jenna Haseleu

Jenna brings a wealth of organizational and marketing experience to RevJen…

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Jen Malone 

Jen Malone 

Jen has worked in many social services roles, including as a social worker…

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Sandy Day

Sandy Day

Sandy manages logistical and operational details for RevJen ..

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Sharanya Krishna Prasad

Sharanya Krishna Prasad

Sharanya joins us as the Head of Nonprofit Enrollment where she will be working directly with nonprofit leaders..

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our facilitators

Latasha Wright, Ph.D.

Latasha Wright, Ph.D.

Latasha Wright, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Latasha received her Ph.D. from NYU Langone Medical Center in cell and molecular biology. She...

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Nichole Rush

Nichole Rush

Nichole is driven by a passion for transformational impact and enjoys creating pathways to success for bold visions….

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Paula Hart

Paula Hart

As a Facilitator for RevJen’s R-Squared Peer Groups, Paula supports the career growth and leadership…

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Rondi Bryant

Rondi Bryant

Rondi is an Organizational Development Professional with over ten years of proven experience in partnering...

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Sarah Di Troia

Sarah Di Troia

Sarah Di Troia is an expert in crafting strategy and operations to drive high growth in nonprofit and for-profit organizations…

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Laura Duty

Laura Duty

Laura spent over 18 years in the funding world as the Executive Director of the Community Foundation…

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Aliah Henry

Aliah Henry

Aliah M. Henry is the Chief Executive Officer for a consulting firm specializing in organizational strategy, development and communications for...

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Julia Ritchie

Julia Ritchie

Over the last 20 years Julia Ritchie has designed and facilitated organizational change initiatives for a range of organizations across multiple...

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Our Values


DEIB Statement

Working Through a Lens of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Community is the nucleus for change, and the cornerstone of our work at RevJen. We believe that together, we can drive the change necessary to solve long-standing sector challenges for good. We want to launch this movement by providing our solutions to leaders in communities and regions across the country, allowing them to take hold and grow.

We at RevJen are committed to the ongoing process of self-examination, training, and evaluation so that we may better understand and reform any policies, practices, or procedures that perpetuate structural oppression, and we strive to create a space for brave conversations and to provide a learning environment that uplifts marginalized voices and perspectives in all of our work. We strive to view our internal practices and external work through a lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and will lean into our definitions below as we continue on our DEI journey.


Respecting, valuing, and appreciating what makes people different from one another – in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, socioeconomic status, marital status, language, physical appearance, and national origin – through conscious practice and active engagement with people of diverse backgrounds and identities. RevJen embraces the truth that each person is a unique collection of identities and that this diversity – including those who differ in their ideas, perspectives and values – ultimately strengthens and advances our mission.


Seeking fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, while actively working to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent full participation of some groups. Equity is about increasing justice and fairness in institutions or systems – both in terms of procedures and processes as well as distribution of resources. Doing this requires an understanding of the root causes of outcome disparities within our society. RevJen’s mission is rooted in tackling some entrenched and pervasive issues in the nonprofit sector and we recognize that systemic racism and other forms of systemic oppression are intrinsically tied to access of resources and opportunity in the country. While RevJen seeks to accomplish its mission, we also recognize our role in removing barriers of access to our work to achieve equitable access in the sector.


Creating environments that welcome, respect, support and value the full participation of any individual or group. This means building a climate that embraces differences and offers respect in words and action – recognizing that a diverse group is not necessarily inclusive. RevJen recognizes that dismantling entrenched issues in the sector and achieving impact requires collaboration and the inclusion of many voices.


Creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued, and supported. We believe that everyone should be able to bring their authentic selves to work and feel like they belong. We are committed to fostering a culture of belonging where everyone can thrive.