Board Revenue Alignment


Revjen’s Board Revenue Alignment program helps nonprofit leadership teams align with their Board of Directors on the organization’s revenue priorities. Through a series of interactive consultations, workshops, and reflections, the board and leadership team come together to bridge the gap between overseeing finances and ensuring your nonprofit has the resources to fulfill your mission. Boards are empowered to leverage their strengths and interests to support and advance the organization’s revenue priorities.

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What We Are Addressing

Nonprofit leaders report that they face challenges in engaging their boards in accomplishing their revenue goals, due to misalignment, a lack of skillsets on the board, or challenges communicating the organization’s revenue priorities. In fact, in a recent evaluation of nonprofit organizations, only 18% of organization leaders said they could articulate their revenue model to their board. Nonprofit leaders also shared that they need their board activated to implement their revenue strategy but lacked the tools to upskill their board to help them move forward on those goals. ​


About The Experience

Revjen’s Board Revenue Alignment program is a blend of 1:1 consultations with a nonprofit leadership team and an interactive workshop (either virtual or in-person) with the leadership team and their board that is tailored to each organization’s unique needs. The interactive workshop is provided by a professionally trained facilitator to help guide the leadership team and board through the workshop.​

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What Will Change For You And Your Organization

At the end of the Board Revenue Alignment program, Revjen will deliver a final report and recommendations that includes data from the activities and key findings with recommendations. The program seeks to help nonprofit leaders be able to accomplish the following: ​

  • Lead more productive conversations. By aligning on the Revenue Capacity Framework, the leadership team and the board have actionable conversations to take forward together.​
  • Articulate clear roles and responsibilities. The leadership team and the board can clearly define and articulate their individual roles in achieving revenue targets. ​
  • Make commitments. The board can take concrete steps towards revenue generation that suit each board member’s strengths and interests.​

Ready to see how it works?

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