Looking forward …

Looking forward …

In a year where certainty – and toilet paper – was in short supply, it feels good to say this:

I have never been more certain that the RevJen Community is making a real difference.

I am inspired by the collective wisdom of the social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, funders, and thought partners that make up the RevJen Community. I am reminded of the Woodrow Wilson saying “I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow.” That’s what this year required, and you all delivered. Your ideas, challenges, and questions helped us innovate. Your creativity, flexibility, and resilience helped us grow.

  • To the funders who invested in leaders by giving them access to R-Squared Peer Groups and the Fuel Series Revenue Capacity Building Workshops, thank you for trusting RevJen to serve, support, and empower them.
  • To the facilitators and thought partners who helped us innovate, iterate, and respond to this moment, we are grateful to serve alongside you.
  • To the leaders who, when faced with disruption and change, invested your scarce time and energy to rethink revenue and grow as leaders, you inspire, challenge, and energize us.

You flexed with us when our R-Squared Peer Groups went virtual, and you welcomed hundreds more leaders into the community.  Many of you embraced this new reality when your teams committed to the work in our Fuel Series Workshops virtually as well.

I could not be more proud of what our RevJen Community is, and what it is becoming.

Next year, we already have more organizations and leaders scheduled to join us than ever before.  You’ll see us finding new ways to build, foster, and serve this community as we work to create meaningful opportunities to elevate your individual and collective voices.

On behalf of the entire RevJen Team, I thank you for joining us on this journey. However you find yourselves celebrating the holiday season and the end of this year, I hope you are able to reflect and recharge, and look forward with excitement about what lies ahead. I know I do.

Looking forward,

CEO and Co-Founder, RevJen Group

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