Brian Joseph … on Theme Songs and Thanksgiving

“I’m in a hurry to get things done … I rush and rush until life’s no fun.” These familiar lyrics from the country band Alabama were recently deemed my theme song by those who know me well. I must admit, when it was said I thought – damn, they aren’t wrong.  For most of 2022 this is exactly how I’ve felt, and I’m sure many of you in the sector can relate.

It isn’t a conscious decision for me, nor do I consider it a badge of honor, but I do admit to the constant pull from the feeling that THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO and so little time to do it. And then magically, as the year moves closer to a close and we get into Q4 … I start to look around. I notice the trees starting to change color and the air growing cooler as we step into the holiday season.

Thanksgiving is where it all begins. I start to slow my pace, look around, and contemplate the holiday – ThanksgivingThanks. Giving. It’s a reminder to me that life is not a race, it’s a journey, and as they say, it is the journey that counts. When I slow down to reflect, I find some peace, a lot of joy, and plenty of thanks for all the big and little things in my life. 

And this year, I’m incredibly reflective of just how much Thanks I would like to extend to a sector that is so Giving. Every single day I get to meet people who are thankful for the work being done by an impactful nonprofit. I get to see the giving that is done by the teams of dedicated people working at these nonprofits. I visit with those who are thankful and giving as they help sponsor and fund the much-needed work our sector does. And I get to work with an amazingly talented group of humans who have decided to join our mission here at RevJen. 

So, as you go about whatever traditions you may have this time of year, I would encourage you to step back, SLOW DOWN, reflect, and give thanks for everything and everyone you have around you. Then I’m going to ask you to be selfish and make sure you give some thanks to your own personal mind, body, and spirit. Too many of us spend so much time being in a hurry to do all the work that needs to be done for everyone else, we don’t often stop to give ourselves some thanks as well.  Without you there is plenty of work that won’t be done and that starts with ensuring your tank is also filled.

I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you. I hope you take some time to slow down, care for yourself and your loved ones, and find joy in the now.  Because I know that come Monday, that ever-present song will start to play in my head and we will be off again … until then, cheers!

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