RevJen Blog

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Gareth Keown

R-Squared Peer Groups available virtually to nonprofit and social enterprise leaders across the country, at no cost till March 2021!

[social_buttons style=”hover” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true”]Last spring, RevJen launched an initiative to make our R-Squared Peer Groups available virtually to 100 nonprofit and social enterprise leaders across the country, at no cost for the remainder of 2020. Those seats filled quickly, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.  So, we’ve now extended that offer with additional seats – still at no cost, now through March 2021.

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New RevJen Podcast

[social_buttons style=”hover” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true”][image_with_animation image_url=”220″ animation=”Fade In” hover_animation=”none” alignment=”” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” image_loading=”default” max_width=”100%” max_width_mobile=”default”][nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Listen Now” margin_right=”10px” url=”″][nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” text=”Download” url=””]

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