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Reflections on the Launch of the North Texas Funders Initiative - RevJen

Written by Jasmine Greeson | Feb 8, 2023 3:45:43 PM
Jasmine Greeson, RevJen’s Director of Partnership Expansion

Personally, I love the start of each new year. It is a wonderful time to reflect on what has come, celebrate the successes in our communities, and dream big for what is next. At RevJen, we have so much to celebrate from the past year, especially the impact of the launch of the North Texas Funders Initiative.

About the Initiative

The North Texas Funders Initiative was born of a shared vision to combat outdated beliefs and practices in the nonprofit sector and create pathways to more financial and leadership sustainability. This initiative aims to reduce both financial instability and leadership isolation, burnout, and high turnover, which plague the nonprofit sector and only worsened during the pandemic.

Since May, 94 nonprofit leaders from 58 organizations across North Texas were provided scholarships for our R-Squared Peer Groups and Fuel Series Revenue Capacity-Building Workshops on behalf of our initiative partners. These leaders, who often lack professional development in their organization’s budgets, may have been unlikely to invest in themselves without this funding.

Through their peer groups, leaders were provided the dedicated time, space, and community to process their most pressing challenges in a confidential environment. Together, they worked through increases in fundraising budgets, engagement with their boards, recruitment for open positions, implementing new programs, communication with donors, and so much more.

Through their workshop participation, executive leadership teams worked together to align around revenue, develop and sharpen revenue strategy and build revenue infrastructure while addressing root causes, rather than just symptoms, of revenue challenges.

What’s Next?

Our team is eager to continue the forward momentum! This quarter, we are launching new R-Squared peer groups for 30 nonprofit executives and Fuel Series workshops for leadership teams at 10 organizations in the North Texas area.

As you move into this new year, how are you investing in yourself or your community? Whether you are a funder, a nonprofit, or just eager to help, we encourage you to get involved.

Change takes all of us working together. Nonprofits, funders, and communities.

This work would not be possible without the incredible support from our initiative funding partners at The Dallas Foundation, The Jenesis Group, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, The George & Fay Young Foundation, and Rainwater Charitable Foundation. Thank you to our partners, our nonprofit members, and the North Texas community!

To learn more or get involved, reach out to Jasmine Greeson at or visit our North Texas Funders Initiative page.