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Brian Joseph Announces: With a New Year Comes New Beginnings and Exciting Changes - RevJen

Written by garkeo_15tje3 | Feb 6, 2023 2:37:44 PM

As we embark upon each new year, it is typically a time to reflect upon our wins, challenges, will dos, shouldn’t dos, and countless other things to help this year be even better than the last.  For me personally, I realized that the time had come to look at where I spend my time and how I can play more to my strengths in doing what I love – promoting this work across the sector. These new year reflections have created an opportunity for new beginnings and exciting changes, and I am thrilled to announce that Amy Karjala and Matt Joseph will be stepping into new, expanded roles.

Amy Karjala is being promoted to Vice President of Training Products to lead our Fuel Series work and all the exciting things we have planned in the future that align to our revenue infrastructure framework.  She brings extensive knowledge of the space as well as a real passion for this work that we know will allow her to excel in this role. Amy was one of our first hires at RevJen, and her loyalty and dedication are unmatched.

Matthew Joseph will now lead RevJen alongside me as Co-Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel. I am fortunate to show up at work every day and have the privilege of walking next to him – as brothers, and as peers – with a shared passion for what we are building here at RevJen.  Matt’s thoughtful, thorough, measured leadership has already inspired the loyalty and trust of the entire team, and I am certain that his contributions will help elevate our organization in more ways than I ever could alone. 

It’s an exciting time at RevJen – stay tuned as we announce new projects, team members, and momentum in furtherance of our mission to Fuel A Greater Good. Thank you for joining us in this work!