Jenerate Blog -

Fuel Series Revenue Capacity Building Workshops -

Written by garkeo_15tje3 | Oct 13, 2020 5:26:47 PM

We hear you – your biggest challenges are rooted in revenue.  

You aren’t alone. Aindustry survey confirms that four of the top five challenges nonprofit leaders face are revenuerelatedOur Fuel Series revenue capacity-building workshops were designed to tackle these challenges – from the ground up. 

At RevJen we liken revenue capacity building to constructing a house – it begins with a solid foundation.  

Our Framework:  

  • Reframes your approach to revenue – contributed, earned, government, and combinations. 
  • Identifies root causes of revenue challenges – not just symptoms.  
  • Builds a solid foundation upon which sustainability can be achieved.  

Revenue Solutions Reimagined 

More cost effective than consulting and more actionable and long lasting than “train the trainer” models, our Fuel Series revenue capacity-building workshops are an engaged learning experience focused on the foundation of the house – revenue infrastructure. Fuel Series Workshops are unlike any other revenue training – what makes it different? 

Fuel Series Structure 

  • Organizations are thoughtfully assessed at the outset to verify workshop readiness and timing 
  • Workshops are held in cohorts – six to eight organizations of similar growth stage, budget size, and complexity are thoughtfully grouped to promote the sharing of ideas. 
  • Up to five members of your leadership team participate – at one flat organizational cost – to ensure that key decision-makers are present, invested, and aligned.
  • Leadership teams work through a series of facilitated exercises using a combination of their own organizational information and industry case studies as working material. 
  • A set, structured series of working sessions grounded in revenue model, revenue strategy, organizational design, resource allocation and revenue culture allow teams to dig in, set action items, and build upon their work. 

Fuel Series Process and Outcomes 

  • We align your leadership team around revenue generation with a common language and framework.  
  • We meet you where you are, ask the hard questions, and guide you in unearthing the root causes of your revenue challenges and the areas that need improvement. 
  • We shift the way you think about revenue and the structure of your organization – and provide you with specific, actionable tactics to create transformational change and sustained growth.  
  • We guide your experience, allowing you to hear from other leaders and gain insight that enables each of you make better decisions, avoid pitfalls, and create solid plans for the future.  

Your Fuel Experience 

Your Fuel Series experience builds from session to session, aligning your leadership team around a common language, a common framework, and the dedicated time to work on your organization – not just in it. In your sessions, your team will explore: 

  • Revenue Model  Analyze your current revenue model and design your desired 1-3 year future state. Your team will investigate change vs. operating capital, institutionalization of relationships, and more. 
  • Revenue Strategy  Create a plan to your desired future state. What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your revenue streams?  What are the people, processes, and systems needed to achieve your desired future revenue model? 
  • Organizational Design  Outline the work and skillsets needed to execute your revenue strategy.  How do you design and structure the organization to ensure that you have the right roles and skillsets to achieve alignment, and implement, support, and execute your revenue strategy?  
  • Resource Allocation – Learn a new process that shows not all revenue is created equally. How much does it cost you to bring in a dollar from each revenue stream? Are you allocating enough financial resources to properly invest in the human resources that will execute your revenue strategy?  
  • Revenue Culture  Examine your organization’s current revenue culture.  How do you ensure that revenue generation is recognized, valued, and celebrated across the organization?  Are you intentional about drawing a line of sight between program and revenue? 

Your Commitment 

The expectations of our Fuel Series Workshops are simple and straightforward: 

  • Your time. In addition to session attendance, you will spend small amount of time completing readings, assessments and assignments between sessions. 
  • Your engagement. An openness to sharing insightslearning, and active participation within your team and other organizations builds valuable alignment and community. 
  • Your financial investment. The cost of attendance is $7,500 per organization. Scholarships are available – don’t let cost be a barrier. 

Our Fuel Series Workshops will reframe your approach to revenue and provide you with clear, actionable steps on the path to sustainability and solid revenue plan for the future. 

It’s time. Join the RevJen Community and fuel the greater good. 

For more information, contact us:

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